Thought I'd give you all an update -
I had a follow-up appointment with my surgeon yesterday. In some ways, I can't believe its been over 4 months since my surgery, in other ways they have been the longest 4 months of my life. I think I have come through it fairly well.
The doc wants me to have a follow-up PET scan (from radiation) this Friday, which is freaking me out more than expected. I know, it's standard, but unfortunately, my worry is not listening to logic. Fortunately, the worry seems to want to be channeled into cleaning and organizing, something I usually despise. (kitchen cleaned, laundry done, papers organized...) Oh well, hopefully I will get the scan results before Christmas.
On a side note - my taste is mostly back, but the sweet flavors are weaker than normal. Very helpful for avoiding the pesky holiday cookie calories :)