Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8-10-10 - a quiet day

The wonderful-ness of being clean should never be underestimated.  I washed my hair this morning for the first time in FIVE days! It was pretty gross.  I think I spent 30 minutes under the hot water, gently washing and conditioning.

Other than that, today has been a quiet day.  My appetite is starting to come back - this would be a very good thing if I could eat normally. As it is, I have to take tiny little bites and chew sooo slowly. Despite this, I think I've eaten more today than I have in while - a whole banana for a snack!

Probably the most annoying side-effect so far from the surgery is my "wooden ear."  Basically, most of my ear is completely numb, so it feels like someone has pasted an ear on the side of my head. Plus, the ear feels full, like it needs to pop, but I can't get it to pop.  Some folks I've talked to online who have been through this procedure  told me to expect this, and I, naively, thought "How bad can it be?"  It is not fun, but the good news is  the feeling there is supposed to slowly come back. 

Yesterday and today I have also started to have the nerves in parts of my face and ear "waking up again" after surgery.  As much as I try to enjoy it, this is also not a pleasant experience. 

Thanks again to everyone who has prayed for and/or sent happy thoughts/messages  to me and my family.  They are VERY MUCH appreciated.

1 comment:

Ms. Wendy said...

I love you sissy!!! And don't worry this past week in DC I ate enough for the both of us.

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