I am SOOOO tired. I am still working full time, but that, and getting my behind to treatments, are all that I have energy for. Friday night, I slept for a solid 11 hours (9:15 PM to 8:30 AM) and I just vegged all day Saturday, lounging on the couch, taking naps, watching tv, ordered papa john's for lunch, took more naps, and then was back in bed by 8PM, and asleep by 9.
Luckily, today was much better. I had more energy, so I went to church, then Mom and Dad came down and helped me clean my house (yay! and thanks!). So, I have a clean house, and I am well-rested to face another week of work and treatments. On the other hand, it is 6:56, and I fell like I am ready for bed again. sigh...
OK, I didn't mean for this post to sound as whiny as it does... I am glad I am still tasting food, my throat isn't sore, I have the energy to do the things I need to do, and I am capable of driving. I am in a decent mood,and I know this treatment is for the best in the long run.
8 treatments done, 22 to go...
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