Saturday, November 20, 2010

11-20-10 Almost Thanksgiving

Hi all!  I just conducted a little scientific experiment - I made two glasses of water for myself and mixed sugar into one. Then I tasted both of them. I could taste the sugar!!! It was weak, but it was there!!This experiment was shortly followed by me tasting (yes, TASTING!!) a bit of salt out of the salt shaker!!!! I am so happy about this - you have no idea how nasty certain foods are with no sweet or salty flavor to balance them out. 

That is not to say that my sense of taste is back to "normal." Everything (except veggies, which I don't particularly like anyway) tastes a bit off. Sour is still much stronger than other flavors, but I think it will balance out eventually.

you all have no idea how happy this makes me!!!

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