Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9-28-10 a wake of sorts...

Today, I bid a fond farewell to my sweet tooth. You will be missed.

After my appointment today, I went out to dinner with a friend, and I thought breakfast sounded good, so I got ham,eggs, and pancakes.  All went well until I doused the pancakes in syrup, took a bite, and thought, this syrup isn't very good....I made her take a bite, and she said, no the syrup is fine... I guess it will make loosing weight easier if I can't taste the sugar. Cookies and cakes will not be nearly so tempting. Luckily, I could still taste some of the other flavors of the food - the buttery pancakes, the egg flavor, and the salt of the ham, even if they were a bit muted. I am not looking forward to loosing other flavors.

 At the doctor's appointment they gave me a prescription for "magic mouthwash" - a mix of xylocaine, benadryl, and maloxx.  Apparently, if I gargle with it before meals, it will make eating and sleeping easier by numbing my mouth/throat.  Not sure if I need it yet, but I am sure it will eventually be indispensable.

Oh, and I am, at least so far, less tired than I was last week.  yay! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates It sounds like a tiring schedule but you are doing it!!!! Good news I founds your sweet tooth It is down here at my house in Houston Proof is the twinkies hohos icecream and candy bars I bought today are getting gobbled right up. Let me know when you want that darn sweet tooth back. Take care Cheryl

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